We currently have two options for residential food-scrap pick-up:
- Community Compost: We visit your home once a week to pick-up your scraps. ($69 for 3-months)
- Area Drop-Sites: New locations are popping up all over town! Drop your scraps at these locations for only $10 per month!
- Neighborhood Compost Project: You bring your scraps to a designated drop-site in your neighborhood once a week. ($14.95 per month). PLEASE CALL US TO SIGN UP FOR THIS OPTION TO MAKE SURE WE HAVE A DROP-SITE AVAILABLE IN YOUR AREA. 541-301-3426.
Direct Home Pick Up
Community Compost
$69.00 every 3 months Sign up Now
Community Drop Sites
Drop Site: Shakespeare Building, Talent
$10.00 / month Sign up Now
Medford Grower’s Market Compost Drop Site
$15.00 / month Sign up Now
Winter Drop Site at Science Works
$30.00 Add to cart
More About Our Program
Ever wish there was a smarter thing to do with your food scraps than throwing them in the garbage to be dumped into our local landfill? Have you tried to start your own compost operation at home but found it’s too difficult to maintain or that it attracts unwanted critters?
Rogue Produce has created a smart solution for our region’s lack of options when it comes to managing the valuable resource of our food scraps: Community Compost. We provide a weekly residential pickup of food scraps. Instead of taking the scraps to the landfill, we donate them to small local farms where they are used to create compost! By signing up for our Community Compost service, you reduce the waste in our local landfill and provide a substantial benefit to local farmers.
Where Do We Pick Up?
We currently serve customers in Ashland, Talent, Phoenix, and soon Medford!
What Do We Pick Up?
- all non-meat food scraps & leftovers
- all fruit & vegetable peelings, pits, and shells
- pumpkins!
- rice, pasta, bread, cereal, and oats
- egg & nut shells (except coconuts)
- dairy products (e.g., cheese, butter)
- coffee grounds & filters; teabags
What Don’t We Pick Up?
- any meat items—beef, pork, chicken, or seafood
- yard debris—leaves, flowers, wreaths, weeds, plants, or soil
- paper products (except teabags & coffee filters)
- coal or charcoal
- over-the-counter or prescription drugs & medications
How It Works
Simply choose your own covered container to store your scraps in and place it outside your door by 7:30 am on your designated pickup day (we’ll let you know what day that is after you sign up). We transfer the scraps from your container to bins in our vehicle, leaving your container with you.
The cost of weekly food scrap pickup varies depending on the service option you choose from the list at the top of this page.