Community Compost: Smart Resource Management
We are the only residential food-scrap pick up service in Southern Oregon! We collect your food-scraps on a weekly basis, and instead of dumping then in the land-fill, we donate them as a resource to local small farms. Community Compost has been in business for 6 years, and you can sign up as a new customer if you live in Ashland, Talent, Phoenix or Medford.
Incentives: Support from Local Businesses
Since we began our service in 2011, we have relied on the support of customers who pay us to collect their food-scrap resources (veggie scraps, breads, coffee grounds, egg shells, etc.), that they could otherwise simply throw away into the garbage. Our customers support us because they know our system is a smarter way: it prevents waste in our landfills, reduces methane emissions, and supports the efforts of local farms (we donate all of our scraps to local small farmers at no charge, who use the scraps in their composting operations).

Food scraps to farms makes healthy soil and happy farmers!
Beginning this Spring, we are offering an incentive to Community Compost customers, with the help of supporting local businesses that want to be a partner in the cause of smarter resource management. Together with these businesses, we are creating an annual coupon book for all of our Community Compost customers! The total value of the coupons in the book is already around $100, and we plan to see it grow above and beyond the cost of a yearly enrollment in the Community Compost program. We’ve already gathered coupons from local restaurants, book stores, coffee shops, acupuncturists, massage therapists, and more! It’s truly a community effort.
If you are a local business owner that would like to donate an annual coupon to our book, please send us an email to, or call us at 541-301-3426. Our customers are passionate about supporting businesses that support green endeavors!
Lets Grow!
The time is now, as a region, to start getting smart about our resource management, and the preservation of the food-scraps produced in our local households is a great place to start. We already have the system in place, and we are ready to grow — and we are confident we can do this from the grassroots. The annual coupon book is our first effort to reduce the cost of participation in our program; the second is getting more customers! The more people we have on board, particularly in condensed areas, the more we can lower the fees for our service.
Sign up with Community Compost today!!
This is awesome!