Archive for Happy Dirt Veggie Patch

Weekly Note: August 30, 2015

Hi Everybody!

Funny CarrotsI am so grateful to be writing this email to you under blue skies! I hope you’ve all been enjoying the beautiful weekend.

I just spoke with Ann Marie at Swallow Springs Farm, and they have their red and gold potatoes ready. Thankfully, Ann Marie says that she should have potatoes all winter long this year, as they aren’t selling at the Farmers’ Markets.

Maria at Talent Natural Farm has some very sweet, seedless green grapes available this week, and Matt at Happy Dirt Veggie Patch has his delicious yard-long green beans available, as well as ears of sweet corn. Matt always has the best corn, so I recommend getting some while it lasts.

Watermelon and cantaloupe are unknowns at this point—I still haven’t received lists back from a farm or two that might have them available. If you’d like either one, please let me know in the “specific instructions” box at the end of the order form.

On another note, our new website is almost finished! I am expecting it to be up and running for orders next weekend.

If you’d like a delivery this Friday, please submit the online form by 5:30pm this Tuesday. Remember to look for my confirmation email within an hour or two of placing your order. If you don’t receive the confirmation email, it means I have not received your order.

I will follow up this email with an update on each of your individual account balances.

Thank you for your support, and I look forward to receiving your orders.

Weekly Note: August 23, 2015

Hey Everybody!

Eggplant HeadHope you all are enjoying your orders from last week! I’d love to hear your feedback on the watermelon and cantaloupe especially : )

We’ve got red bell peppers on the list this week from Fry Family Farm. I don’t know why, but it seems like those are coming along later this season than usual. I got a case each of Becky’s spicy and semi-spicy pickles, so those are on the list as well.

I’d like to share that the strawberries from Wandering Roots Farm have been spectacular this year, and they have a whole bunch available this week. They’ve managed to get their strawberries and romaine lettuce into Market of Choice! Wandering Roots Farm is owned by a young couple, Jeff and Anna, and it has been a pleasure to work with them for the first time this year. They have a booth at the growers’ market at the Medford Armory on Thursdays if you ever want to stop by and meet them. They even make juice with their produce—and you can have it freshly prepared for you at the farmers’ market!

Maria at Talent Natural Farm has some delicious blue plums available, and Matt at Happy Dirt Veggie Patch has some beautiful-looking Asian and Globe eggplants, fragrant bags of fresh basil, okra, and other items on the list this week.

I’ve chosen the salad mix again from Whistling Duck Farm, and I’d love to hear your feedback about this product. It is my favorite mix. I can also get a salad mix from Fry Family Farm that primarily comprises kale, chard, a little lettuce, and mustard greens—it’s certainly heartier than Whistling Duck Farm’s version. I haven’t had Fry’s mix on the list as of late, but if you would like me to make it available, please let me know. I tend to enjoy the Fry mix mostly in the fall and early spring when the lighter stuff isn’t available.

If you’d like a delivery this Friday, August 28, please submit the online form by 6:00 pm on Tuesday. Remember to include your name in the form and keep an eye out for my confirmation email within one to two hours of submitting your order. If you don’t receive a confirmation email, it means I have not received your order.

I will follow up this email with an update on each of your account balances.

Thank you for a wonderful year so far, and I look forward to receiving your orders!